Become The Healing Bridge Between 
Conventional Medicine And Mind-Body-Spirit Health


January - October 2025

Join your peers for a transformational program that will change your world.

  • Revolutionize how you practice health care
  • ​Restore meaning to your work in health care
  • ​Make connections with other trauma-informed providers in medicine and psychotherapy
  • Become a fierce warrior for a new health paradigm
  • ​​Move from self-neglect and burnout to prioritizing your own healing journey so you can help others heal

Doctors, Health Care Providers, & Therapists

Are you questioning your role and impact in health care more than ever after the pandemic?

Do you need help healing from the traumas of being a healthcare provider in times of crisis?

Do you feel unheard, abused, and forgotten by the system?

Are you thinking about what your future should look like?

Do you feel passionate about learning how to leverage the best of conventional medicine and Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)- while avoiding the worst of both?

Are you interested in freeing yourself from the constraints of a dysfunctional system?

Are you seeking to bond with a community of health care providers and healers who are more like YOU?
Never Before Has It Been So Obvious That We Need Both Conventional Medicine 
& Mind-Body-Spirit Healing!

There Is More To Medicine

To all conscious Health Care Providers who know there’s more to medicine than the way we’re practicing it,

If you're a physician, licensed health care provider, therapist, or complementary/ alternative medicine practitioner, then it's probably safe to assume that the past four years have made it obvious to you that there's way more to health, healing, and trauma recovery than most of us were taught in our training. It also became more obvious than ever how polarized and hostile towards each other too many in the conventional medicine and natural medicine “camps” have become.

We need bridge-builders more now than ever, people who respect the fact that conventional medicine has increased human life expectancy by 30 years within the past century, but also people who are supremely aware of the limitations of conventional medicine and open to the grounded, trauma-informed, subjective aspects of healing and natural medicine that conventional medicine overlooks, to the peril of patient health outcomes and practitioner satisfaction and wellbeing. 
The Whole Health Medicine Institute trains those who care about a truly integrated Whole Health approach to physical, mental, spiritual, relational, and societal health to practice the kind of cutting edge medicine we need now more than ever. This is not about replacing the allopathic pharmaceutical model with an allopathic approach to expensive, untested supplements or herbs. It’s not about throwing conventional medicine’s impressive advances under the bus in lieu of magical thinking or science-denying treatments that take advantage of vulnerable patients who will pay anything to try anything.

What Whole Health Medicine is about is educating health care providers and therapists to include the treatment of the dysregulated nervous system, in addition to other medical therapeutic interventions. The dysregulated nervous system not only affects mental health. It also impacts the immune system, the inflammatory system, the microbiome, the epigenetics, and relational health, so treating nervous system dysregulation is a crucial- and often neglected way of optimizing physical and mental health outcomes. 

Sadly, many approaches to medical care exacerbate nervous system dysregulation, rather than treating it as a critical component to optimizing physical and mental health outcomes. Unwittingly, we might terrify our patients in the name of being practical and realistic when we give them bad news. We might ignore their intuition, and cause them to distrust themselves. In our attempt to be good critical thinkers, skeptics, rationalists, and evidence-based providers, we might unintentionally fail to empower our patients and help get them into their bodies, rather than facilitating dissociation. We might do a poor job at staying open to the subjective aspects of healing that are hard to measure in scientific studies. We might fail to counsel them about the importance of food as medicine and nutrient-dense foods. We might ignore the spirituality of our patients and the way they make meaning out of their suffering. And we might not support them in trusting their own bodies, their own inner knowing, and their own agency- because we dislike it if they seem “non-compliant.”
We don’t mean to do this. We have excellent intentions! But we need to care more about impact, rather than intention, and take responsibility for how we both help and harm our patients, unless we’re approaching them in a way that calms the nervous system and helps support them in lifestyle changes that will maintain self-regulation and co-regulation of the nervous system, in addition to other health-inducing behaviors and interventions.

For ten years now, the Whole Health Medicine Institute has been training doctors, midwives, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, therapists, and alternative health care providers to be bridges of healing that leverage the best of conventional medicine, cutting edge trauma healing psychotherapies, mind-body-spirit medicine, movement practices, the arts, nutrition, and other Whole Health interventions. We train health care providers and therapists on both sides of the healing divide to facilitate and serve patients, especially those conventional medicine doesn’t know how to help, with a trauma-informed focus that helps put healing the traumatized nervous system at the core of a patient-centered approach to healing.

We equip our students with the tools most of us did not learn during our training, which makes our graduates better equipped to either practice more satisfying and effective Whole Health medicine or to be better qualified for alternative career options, whether inside or outside the conventional health care system.

At the Whole Health Medicine Institute, we also recognize that health care providers, mental health workers, and CAM providers are burned out, traumatized, and in deep need of both personal healing and community connection with other like-minded doctors, nurses, therapists, and CAM providers on the front lines of health and healing. This is why we prioritize Healing the Healer before we ever dig into training you about what you might not have been taught in graduate school or your training program. You will be the patient first, so you can benefit from the tools we teach you to apply to patients, after you’ve put your own oxygen mask on first.

Join Preeminent WHMI Faculty & Contributors

For WHMI's 9-Month 2025 Program

Every year, Dr. Lissa Rankin meets new people working at the cutting edge of Whole Health Medicine. These doctors, trauma therapists, healers, visionaries, leaders and teachers at the forefront of Whole Health Medicine have all contributed to create the robust curriculum that you'll dive into as a student of the Whole Health Medicine Institute.

Gabor Mate

Thomas Hübl

Rachel Remen

Resmaa Menakem

Dick Schwartz

Bernie Siegel

Joan Borysenko

Sara Gottfried

Kelly Turner

Larry Dossey

Jeffrey Rediger

Laurence Heller 

Howard Schubiner

Gregg Levoy

Shamani Jain

Rachel Abrams

Anne Davin

Bruce Cryer

Asha Clinton

Christine Gibson

Cynthia Li

Dawson Church

Kay Corpus

Mary Louder

Neha Sangwan

Pamela Wible

Robert Masters

Roger Walsh

Shiloh Sophia

William Bengston

Steve Sisgold

Donna Eden

New In 2025

Tama Kieves

Frank Anderson

Nancy Morgan

Debbie Rosas

To be announced

Bayo Akomalafe

Bruce Feldstein

Rachel Gilgoff

For the complete bios of WHMI's renowned faculty and contributors click here.

What Is Whole Health Medicine?

Whole Health requires bringing all the tools in the medicine boxes of all departments and cultures together, and doing so with respect, reverence, and regard for all physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual healing modalities. 

Whole Health asks us to end the fragmentation that divides healing into different academic silos in the medical school, psychology department, divinity school, and biology & physics departments. Rather than doubling down on this harmful, destructive reductionism, Whole Health unifies and integrates all disciplines in service to healing and wholeness.

Whole Health invites unification of all of the aspects of what makes us whole as human beings, encompassing our: 

  • Relationships
  • ​Mind, body, spirit, and energy
  • ​Work
  • Psychology
  • Spirituality
  • ​Creativity
  • ​Sexuality
  • Financial health
  • ​Environment
  • Culture & societal health
  • And all other aspects of what makes us authentically expressed, integrated humans.
Many who are trained to treat one aspect of health get insufficient education in other aspects of Whole Health. Their focus is narrowly directed at specific aspects of a person rather than the complete picture of their life:

Body Focus: Doctors, Nutrition Coaches, Fitness Instructors, Bodyworkers, Herbalists, Naturopaths, Chiropractors

Mind Focus: Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Life Coaches

​Spirit Focus: Energy healers, Priests, Rabbis, Ministers, Gurus, Spiritual Teachers, Chaplains

For example, body-focused practitioners tend to focus on traditional healthy behaviors, such as conventional medical approaches, diet, exercise, physical adjustments, or herbs and supplements, while neglecting psycho-spiritual and energetic root causes and treatments. 

The Whole Health Medicine Institute seeks to fill in the gaps. We specialize in educating body-oriented practitioners who have been insufficiently educated in mental, emotional, spiritual, and trauma healing modalities that may help relieve symptoms and successfully treat otherwise “incurable,” “untreatable,” or “terminal” conditions.

Watch Lissa Rankin, MD share the intent & objectives 
of the Whole Health Medicine Institute

How Does The Whole Health Medicine Institute Change The Way Our Students Practice Medicine?

  • Our graduates have:
  • ​Revolutionized public health in many countries, bringing these miracle-inducing ideas into mainstream socialized medicine systems.
  • ​Created customized Whole Health practices that allow them to bring all of themselves- with more time per patient- to those they serve, inside or outside the medical system.
  • Added trauma healing methods to their Whole Health practices in order to improve rates of radical remission from life-threatening or chronic illness
  • ​Published books and blogs
  • ​Taught group workshops
  • ​Gotten standing ovations while giving TEDx talks and keynotes
  • ​Launched online programs
  • ​Integrated Whole Health medicine with yoga teacher training
  • Been hired as health coaches for corporations
  • ​Started entrepreneurial businesses helping burned out physicians
  • ​Improved patient outcomes, deepened provider satisfaction, and reduced symptoms of burnout by helping more patients become symptom free inside the conventional medicine system
If you’re in need of healing yourself, curious about how you might be a more healing presence in the lives of your patients and clients, interested to learn more evidence-based tools that can optimize health outcomes and improve the meaning, satisfaction, and impact of your work, or interested in how you might use your health care knowledge, experience and wisdom in creative ways to earn a living, we at the Whole Health Medicine Institute are here to help.
Mission Statement
Our mission at the Whole Health Medicine Institute (WHMI) is to reintroduce an understanding and practice of the psycho-spiritual dimension into the healing process. 

WHMI exists to pick up where mainstream health modalities are failing. That is in deepening the knowledge and understanding of the extensive power and profound impact of practicing psychospiritual transformation as an intentional and expertly integrated piece of the healing process.

We value and validate the importance of conventional medicine without demonizing or dismissing these necessary and life-saving interventions. What we teach our students help them fill in the gaps to patients who mainstream health modalities often fail. 

WHMI brings a deep and direct understanding of the body-mind-spirit continuum to physicians, nurses, health experts, and health care providers. We believe that this understanding is critical for complete and sustained healing and growth, and necessary to reveal the untapped resources and potential of your body.

By deepening the knowledge and understanding of the extensive power and profound impact of practicing psycho-spiritual transformation as an intentional and expertly integrated piece of the healing process, we bring a deep and direct understanding of the body-mind-spirit continuum to physicians, nurses, health experts, therapists, and other health care providers. We believe that this understanding is critical for complete and sustained healing and growth, a necessary facet to reveal the untapped resources and potential of your body.

Our courses, workshops, and trainings are designed to help you understand and apply a Whole Health Medicine approach in your life and in your practice. We also support practitioners not only in applying these healing methods to themselves, (“See one, do one, teach one”) but also in building a thriving healing practice that allow practitioners to integrate Whole Health with whatever other expertise is offered to patients. 

We believe it is necessary to provide the material and organizational resources needed to accelerate the reintegration of psycho-spiritual work into the healing process and the health care industry. 


Conventional medicine saves lives AND preventable medical error was the third leading cause of death in the US until Covid hit, according to a British Medical Journal article. Both are true. The years since the pandemic have highlighted how risky it is to focus in a lopsided way on one half of a two-sided paradox. As an organization that supports straddling these often polarized camps, we at the Whole Health Medicine Institute have felt disheartened to see some people in conventional or natural medicine camps doubling down without acknowledging and respecting what the other side offers. 


How do we get out of polarization? We acknowledge the paradoxical nature of healing.

  • You can heal yourself AND you can’t do it alone.
  • ​Pharmaceuticals and surgery can save lives. AND pharmaceuticals and surgery can cause side effects, maim you, and lead to death.
  • ​Be firm in your intention to heal. AND surrender attachment to outcomes.
  • ​Trust your intuition. AND follow the science and apply critical thinking.
  • ​Believe in magic and miracles. AND avoid indulging in magical thinking and denial.
  • ​Be proactive about taking back your power. AND go with the flow.
  • ​Keep an open mind. AND don’t be so open your brains fall out.
  • Stay available for hope and possibility. AND practice grounded hope, not blind hope.
  • Conventional medicine saves lives. AND it’s the #3 cause of death in the US.
  • Lead with your heart. AND use your head.
  • Choose love. AND feel your legitimate survival fears so you can protect yourself and others.
  • Manifest your reality. AND align with Divine Will.
  • Germ theory helps us control infectious diseases. AND it’s important to attend to the terrain of the body to make the immune system more resilient when germs invade.
  • Your thoughts can influence your reality. AND your thoughts are not powerful enough to control reality.
  • Fear can cause disease. AND ignoring real fear can kill you.
  • We are not our bodies, our emotions, our identities. AND we are all those things. 
  • Identifying with your ego can limit your growth and lead to illness. AND the only way to grow beyond the ego is to love it, heal it, and integrate it.
  • We are One. AND we are separate.
  • Focus on self-help. AND ask for what you need.
  • Speak your truth. AND stay within the scope of your expertise.
  • Eat healthy. AND acknowledge food deserts and income disparities.
  • Leverage your privilege to optimize your health if you're lucky enough to have that option. AND know that your privilege (and perhaps your good health) may be unearned, unfair, and inaccessible to countless others.
  • Follow spiritual guidance. AND never be too certain that you're sure you heard God directly.

In the Whole Health Medicine Institute, we rumble with the “paradoxes of healing” with infinite nuance- honoring and acknowledging that seemingly conflicting ideas about healing (from both sides of the health care bridge) can be simultaneously true.

Whole Health Medicine Institute Testimonials

The presentation of the material was done well. Lissa is a wonderful presenter, even on Zoom. Her warm and caring personality still resonated over the Zoom waves. And, the team did a fantastic job keeping everything running smoothly. It was seamless. I loved when Lissa was outside in her backyard. Seeing nature all around her brought a peaceful energy. 
There are numerous wonderful things I could share about the 2020 program: seeing Rachel Remen in real time was a huge highlight; reviewing the updated Six Steps to Healing with Lissa; the God box meditation; participating as a mentor; introduction to new faculty and their amazing energies; having the check-in calls with Lissa; and meeting my fellow students, getting to know them and their stories. 

But, really the biggest blessing and saving grace was to have Lissa and her WHMI program to help navigate living through the pandemic and the tremendous trauma we all experienced. I am actually crying as I write this because I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have been able to do this. I am forever grateful to you all. I will carry this experience with me tucked into that safe place that when I retrieve it will always bring me joy, comfort and a smile to my face. Georgia Ford 
I had practiced integrative family medicine, and I loved my profession of medicine overall, however, personally, I was at a crossroads as to how I wanted to practice as a physician. 

Mary Louder, DO
When I embarked on a quest to learn more about Lissa’s revolutionary approach to wellbeing, it was because I knew the health system was broken and that I was broken within it.

Christine Gibson, MD
The Whole Health Medicine Institute came into my life at just the right moment. I felt the familiar pressures in my medical practice to see more patients, meet budget.

Kay Corpus, MD
Words simply cannot express what transformation I have undergone by being involved in the Whole Health Medicine Institute! I have found new meaning in my work. 

Timea Belej-Rak, MD
This journey is not for the faint of heart, but ask yourself – “Am I more afraid of realizing my true potential or am I more afraid of staying stuck in a position not aligned with my inner purpose”? I invite you to go inward and ask the question that may ignite your life! 

Kamilla (Kamie) Buddemeier M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I

Praise For The Whole Health Medicine Institute

 “Medical training needs to provide not just medical information about disease and drugs, but a true education about caring for people and what they are experiencing. It also needs to prepare doctors for what they will experience when truly caring for people and not just treating a disease. There is a big difference between detached concern and rational caring. Dr. Lissa Rankin’s Whole Health Medicine Institute training program helps to provide doctors with what is needed in order to give up the delusion that we are medical deities so we can remember who we are as doctors.”
Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine & Miracles

“Lissa Rankin, MD clearly states what many health care providers (not to mention patients) already know: the way our society’s physicians are trained, pressured, and overworked is in many ways inimical to the process of healing. In her life, her work, and her words, Dr. Rankin demonstrates a new way to combine the brilliance of modern science with the wisdom of the heart. Anyone who will ever need a doctor, and certainly anyone who will ever be a doctor, will be enriched and enlightened by her ideas. Just reading MIND OVER MEDICINE is a genuinely healing experience.”
Martha Beck, Ph.D., author of Finding Your Way in A Wild New World

“Body and spirit are twins: God only knows which is which,’ Swinburne wisely said more than a century ago. But for most of the twentieth century, the body has hogged the show. Now consciousness, mind, and spirit are back in center stage in medicine. In Mind Over Medicine, Dr. Lissa Rankin shows why. This is a compelling, clear, and reader-friendly vision of where medicine and healing are headed, written by an expert medical insider who’s been there. Buy two copies—one for you and one for your doctor.”
Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine, Healing Words and The One Mind

A Note From Whole Health Medicine Institute’s
 Founder Lissa Rankin, MD
In 2007, after winding up on seven medications and dealing with a degree of burnout that left me sick and suicidal, I took a leap of faith and quit my stable, lucrative, and stressful job as a full-time physician in a busy managed care OB/GYN practice. I knew I was called to be a healer, but practicing medicine within our broken health care system left me with “moral injury,” a word coined to describe return war veterans, which is now being used to describe doctors. Moral injury is described by researchers as “perpetrating, failing to prevent, bearing witness to, or learning about acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations.” Harvard physicians Simon Talbot and Wendy Dean explain that “failing to consistently meet patients’ needs has a profound impact on physician wellbeing—this is the crux of consequent moral injury.”
I couldn’t help feeling like I was colluding with a corrupt system that gives lip service to patient wellbeing but is ultimately beholden to the financial bottom line. While every doctor I know personally really does care about patient wellbeing, the system puts profits before people, and I was cooperating with that system because I didn’t know how else to serve my calling. That double bind between feeling called to medicine the way a priest is called to the priesthood and not wanting to sell out to the system that was causing moral injury in so many of us tore me apart emotionally and physically.
I began studying “spontaneous remission” and wondered why some people become “health outliers,” experiencing much better than expected outcomes from “incurable” or even “terminal” illnesses. This curiosity took me down a rabbit hole where I discovered that there is much more to health and healing than anyone taught us in medical school. This began a decade-long exploration into mind-body-spirit medicine, cutting edge trauma therapy and how healing trauma impacts chronic illness, the science and effects of energy healing, what our Indigenous ancestors knew about medicine, and how spirituality and disease remission may intersect. Once I learned what I did and saw the impact of these interventions on patients, I knew I needed to teach others what might help them help patients become health outliers. 
This is how the Whole Health Medicine Institute was born. We created a training program for health care providers who first experience healing for themselves and then learn how to facilitate healing for others. Our students receive a deep and direct understanding of the body-mind-spirit continuum, then they scale it in their own practices, infiltrate it into clinics, hospitals, and public health spaces, teach what they learn in their own unique way, and bring real healing to those who need it most.
This is how the Whole Health Medicine Institute was born. We created a training program for health care providers who first experience healing for themselves and then learn how to facilitate healing for others. Our students receive a deep and direct understanding of the body-mind-spirit continuum, then they scale it in their own practices, infiltrate it into clinics, hospitals, and public health spaces, teach what they learn in their own unique way, and bring real healing to those who need it most.
We all know we need to put the “care” back in health care and integrate mind-body-spirit medicine and cutting edge healing methods with the impressive interventions and technologies conventional medicine offers., I invite you to join us in this health care revolution by learning how to practice Whole Health Medicine yourself, as a healer or in your own life.
Over the span of your immersion in the revolutionary curriculum we've developed, you’ll have the opportunity to experience your own deep healing, learn from pre-eminent teachers about the psycho-spiritual dimensions of healing, learn business skills in case you wish to pursue an entrepreneurial practice, be part of a community of other health care providers who share your curiosity and enthusiasm, and create a foundation for your own health care practice.
My deepest desire is that you too have the chance to contribute to the field of health care in ways that align with your authenticity, that get the healing you need from any moral injury you may have suffered, that you find the colleagues you can bond and connect with, that you remember the meaning of your work and are able to fulfill your deepest calling, and that you thrive in your life, your work, your body, your relationships, your creativity, and your society. 

The Three Pillars Of The
Whole Health Medicine Institute

Over the course of 10 months starting in January 2025 and ending October 2025 you will be guided through these three modules. 

I. Heal the Healer

The first module is all about self-healing with transformational techniques and practices to explore and heal thereby creating the foundation for your personal transformational work.

Your trauma healing journey begins right away in the Whole Health Medicine Institute, when we kick off the Heal The Healer retreat. We are all “wounded healers.” When we practice from our wound, we can wound those we seek to heal. But when we begin to touch and heal the wounds that may have impacted our decisions to enter the field we’ve chosen, we become more effective at helping others heal. Lissa’s mentor Rachel Naomi Remen, MD once said, “When we help, we become aware of our own strength. But when we serve, we don’t serve with our strength; we serve with ourselves, and we draw from all of our experiences. Our limitations serve; our wounds serve; even our darkness can serve. My pain is the source of my compassion; my woundedness is the key to my empathy.”

The Heal The Healer pillar acknowledges our own woundedness and helps treat the burnout, moral injury, and trauma, which not only often precedes medical training and practice, but can also be caused by medical training and practice. Your own transformation and healing help you realize the potential of the practitioner you’re meant to be.

To be effective healers, we must heal ourselves first. What most people don’t realize is that many helping types were programmed in childhood to help others first, while neglecting their own precious needs, wants, and desires. The childhood traumas that conditioned us in this way cause many health care providers and therapists to self abandon. This self-abandonment leads to illness, depression, anxiety, addictions, suicide, and boundaryless relationships plagued with the destructive pairing of narcissism/codependence. 

Many healers do not know how to protect our empathic boundaries, and because we are around traumatizing situations all the time, we take it on and don’t know how to metabolize all that trauma, which can make us physically or mentally ill. While many health care providers and healers do not realize how much they are in need of healing, our WHMI graduates routinely agree that the Heal The Healer facet of WHMI is one of the most radically transformational aspects of the program. 

Because the health care system can be so wounding for those who don’t know how to protect themselves, many health care providers, especially physicians, suffer from undiagnosed PTSD and burnout, as well as health problems, addictions, depression, and anxiety, largely as a result of the self-sacrificing martyr patterns that lead health care providers to tolerate abusive or self-abusive behavior. Participating in this program involves self-examination, personal inquiry, the willingness to face your shadow, trauma healing, and the intention to alchemize your limiting beliefs, heal your self-sabotaging behaviors, shore up your boundaries, and heal yourself- so you can be a vessel of real transformation for a world in need of your love. 

II. Core Curriculum

The second module continues with self-discovery but with an emphasis on facilitation and working with clients, patients, and loved ones. The 6 Steps To Healing Through, through an Internal Family Systems (IFS) lens, are the “entrée course” of WHMI. You will work with this material in many different ways, so anchoring it will be a priority, especially for anyone seeking certification. Q&A calls will offer an opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice of the 6 steps, and guest faculty calls will flesh out various aspects of the 6 Steps. This includes a 6 Step Practicum: Students will have the opportunity to pair up with a practice partner in order to facilitate the 6 Steps with another WHMI student, with support from WHMI graduate mentors, who will have direct supervision meetings with Lissa.

For ten years, the Whole Health Medicine Institute has been training health care providers to facilitate the “6 Steps To Healing Yourself,” as outlined in Lissa Rankin, MD’s Mind Over Medicine philosophy, as shared in her New York Times bestselling book, featured on two National Public Television specials, and communicated in four TEDx talks. The “6 Step” program has evolved over the years in response to Lissa’s ten years of research with the founders of various trauma healing methods, as well as shamans, energy healers, Qigong masters, Balinese healers, and indigenous healers from across the globe. 

Whole Health Medicine Institute training revolves around one big entree of content, with many side appetizers. The entree of your education will be how to facilitate patients and clients through the Six Steps To Healing Yourself from Mind Over Medicine, with an Internal Family Systems (IFS) lens. While the IFS-informed “6 Steps” are the “entrée” course of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, over 40 guest faculty also offer a smorgasbord of healing method appetizers, exposing our students to everything we think well-trained mind-body-spirit practitioners should know about what conventional medicine and psychology tends to leave out of academic education. The appetizers will be taught by WHMI faculty, who will expose you to healing methods you likely did not learn in your training or graduate school education- so you can incorporate the highlights of other healing models, know what else is out there, pursue additional training if something sparks your interest, or know how and when to refer out to other practitioners.

Every student learns to facilitate the 6 Steps, but some students take their education deeper, choosing to study in more depth or become certified to practice another healing modality with one of our faculty after WHMI graduation. We trust that our students will be exposed to the tools in the medical toolbox that might help patients and clients optimize their chances for radical remission and will either learn to master a new set of tools or learn when to refer out to someone else who has mastered these tools.
Once we know all the potential tools in the world’s medical toolbox, we can become expert consultants to our patients and clients as merchants of hope to hopeless parts. We believe hope should never be allowed to die too far ahead of the patient, so we train our students to be merchants of grounded hope for those who have become hopeless because conventional medicine has failed to ease their suffering.

III. Business Development

In the third module we learn how to ground the experience in the real world of business mastery. How to find and crystallize your vision, clarify your professional mission, get clear on your purpose, and develop your grounded, practical plan of action will be at the focus of the business development module.

At WHMI, we are committed to making sure we are not one of those “aspirational” programs. You know the ones... the ones that charge you lots of money to learn a new skill, hooking you with the hope that you’ll be able to make a career out of your new skill, without making it clear that your new skill will never translate into a successful business unless you have excellent entrepreneurial business and marketing tools, a courageous, risk-taking, savvy, creative mindset, genuine feelings of worthiness that will allow you to charge what you’re worth and receive abundance, and an actionable model that will help you translate your new knowledge, awareness, tools, and wisdom into a practical, grounded, thriving business that actually pays the bills and allows you to bring your unique gifts into a world in need of your gifts. 

The “Fulfill Your Calling” Business Development pillar includes tools to help you vision the career you’re meant to have, inside or outside of the conventional medical model. Many of our graduates stay within the conventional health care system but develop side hustles that sometimes become their full time gigs. Others have already left by the time they matriculate with the Whole Health Medicine Institute, and they’re already looking for alternative career choices. Some outcomes graduates have pursued after being exposed to various options include crafting a realistic dream practice, recruiting and magnetizing your ideal patients, building an online presence if that’s relevant, filling workshops, publishing a book, teaching Zoom workshops, developing and selling your own high end programs, or monetizing some of your creative passions. 

This pillar also includes classes with former WHMI graduates who share with you how they’ve taken this material and transformed it into a thriving business that leverage their unique gifts, interests, ethics, and passion.

"The all-powerful mind can control your reality, and all you have to do is learn to harness it."

—Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine

How Has The Whole Health Medicine Institute Changed Since The Pandemic?

For many years, health care providers and healers who wanted to participate in the Whole Health Medicine Institute but lived overseas or couldn’t take enough time away from their jobs or families have asked whether there’s a way to learn how to facilitate Whole Health Medicine without flying across the world twice in one year. We always made the two live retreats associated with WHMI mandatory, because we taught core curriculum during parts of those retreats.

Then…the pandemic hit, and we tried to adapt our live retreats into Zoom workshops. For two years, WHMI functioned as an online-only training program. We did not believe it would be possible to transition WHMI to an online-only format, but our students told us it was their lifeline during a difficult time of global uncertainty- and that the adaptation worked.

Still, once we realized how long it would take for the pandemic dust to settle, we then took some time off. Until now..

The Whole Health Medicine Institute's Class of 2025 begins January 2025 and ends October 2025.

The 2025 Program

Live Online Program Events

  • 3 Two-Day Live Online Weekend Intensives With Lissa Rankin, MD & Faculty
  • ​17 Live 90-Minute Online Workshops With Lissa​ Rankin, MD & Faculty
  • ​1 Optional Weekend In-Person Experiential Retreat in Mill Valley, CA*
  • ​8 Monthly Online Peer-To-Peer Mastermind Zooms With Other WHMI students
  • ​8 Monthly Mentoring Calls Hosted by WHMI Graduates
*The Retreat will both take place at the stunning Acqua Hotel in Mill Valley, California. The venue is just minutes from San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and numerous attractions in case you wish to extend your stay in the Bay Area. You will be responsible for: Air and ground transportation, Lodging and meals.
PLEASE NOTE: While we have done our best to schedule the call dates and times accurately in advance, events and dynamics that can impact the schedule that are outside of our control will unavoidably take place which might require rescheduling!

Core Curriculum

  •  The “Best of The Whole Health Medicine Institute” - Core Curriculum Classes Taught By Lissa Rankin & WHMI Faculty.
We’ve selected the BEST teleclasses from the last six years of the Whole Health Medicine Institute to offer you the full breadth of wisdom, knowledge, and love that has wafted through WHMI since its inception so you can benefit from how WHMI has been tracking the evolution of consciousness in medicine, while staying right at the cutting edge with new faculty, brought to you live just for this year’s class.

The teleclasses in “The Best of WHMI” were all previously recorded live and are available for you to listen at your own pace.

Plus New Faculty & Classes for 2025

In addition to the "Best of WHMI", we are engaging new pre-eminent faculty members who working on the cutting edge of healing and who will present live online mini-workshops throughout the course. 

Live In-Person Retreat

 April 11 – 13, 2025 

  • ​Three-Day In Person Weekend EXPERIENTIAL INTENSIVE With Lissa Rankin, MD*
*The experiential online event is optional and not required for certification or to complete the curriculum but rather an opportunity to connect with fellow course participants and experience the work directly.
The Retreat will both take place at the stunning Acqua Hotel in Mill Valley, California. The venue is just minutes from San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and numerous attractions in case you wish to extend your stay in the Bay Area. You will be responsible for: Air and ground transportation, Lodging and meals.
Not everyone will want to or be able to attend this retreat. Whether you decide to attend or not, will have no impact on the price of this course. The live in-person retreat is an additional complimentary offer.
*The experiential online event is optional and not required for certification or to complete the curriculum but rather an opportunity to connect with fellow course participants and experience the work directly.
The Retreat will both take place at the stunning Acqua Hotel in Mill Valley, California. The venue is just minutes from San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and numerous attractions in case you wish to extend your stay in the Bay Area. You will be responsible for: Air and ground transportation, Lodging and meals.
Not everyone will want to or be able to attend this retreat. Whether you decide to attend or not, will have no impact on the price of this course. The live in-person retreat is an additional complimentary offer.


Take these courses anytime at your convenience


New York Times Bestselling Author Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD presents:


A Self-Paced Six-Part Live Recorded Video Workshop

Understand how to optimize your body's innate ability to self-repair
This video course with Lissa goes in depth into the Six Steps To Healing Yourself from Mind Over Medicine, two of Lissa’s TEDx talks, and her widely viewed PBS special HEAL YOURSELF: Mind Over Medicine. You’ll also be offered audio classes that describe how to facilitate these 6 steps with patients/clients, clinically.

Masterclass with Dr. Lissa Rankin and IFS Founder Dick Schwartz, Ph.D


Understand the science behind trauma-informed medicine- how trauma predisposes the body to illness and the physiology and neurobiology of how treating your traumas might cure disease.
The scientific evidence linking childhood trauma to both pediatric and adult onset disease is ironclad at this point, as evidenced by the mountain of data that came out of the CDC/ Kaiser Permanente study on Adverse Childhood Experiences in the 1990's and the Harvard Mastery of Stress study from the 1950's. The cutting edge of trauma-informed medicine focuses on whether effective trauma treatment might actually reverse diseases we might think of as "incurable" or even "terminal." Early evidence and countless anecdotes suggest it might.
The trauma healing modality Internal Family Systems (IFS) has proven effective with medical syndromes (Shaddick et al., 2013), and more research is ongoing. Dick Schwartz’s years of clinical practice and available research supports that IFS can have an effect on medical syndromes. "Parts" might be using the body to communicate about unhealed traumas or unmet needs and these "parts" can affect our bodies when they have no other route to get through to us. IFS can help those parts realize they don’t have to do that. 

This training marries Lissa Rankin’s Six Steps To Healing Yourself with IFS, offering practical ways to help clinicians utilize an IFS-informed approach to the Six Steps that lie at the core of the Whole Health Medicine Institute.


Recorded online class with Lissa & Jeffrey Rediger, MD, MDiv, author of CURED


The Science & Practice Of Optimal Outcomes With “Incurable” Illness

This experiential Zoom workshop gives you the chance to explore for yourself the options you might not be aware of to give every possible chance to have the best, realistic outcome grounded in real hope and real science.
with Rachel Naomi Remen & Lissa Rankin (a $197 value)
Co-taught by WHMI founder Lissa Rankin, MD and Rachel Remen, MD, author of New York Times bestselling books, Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather’s Blessings which have sold more than a million copies and been translated into 23 languages. Dr. Remen is also Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine at UCSF School of Medicine and the Founder and Director of the Institute for the Study of Health and Illness at Commonweal.

The Medicine For The Soul teleclass series picks up where Western medicine leaves off, offering you the kind of soul medicine shamans practice. The program teaches tools and practices that you can apply to yourself and share with your clients. 

Designed to diagnose and treat what the shamans call “soul loss,” this program is meant to heal you by helping your soul take over as the guiding force of your life. 

Since healing the healer is a core pillar of the Whole Health Medicine Institute this program will be an essential part of your own personal and spiritual healing, and teach you how to facilitate the same sort of transformation in the lives of your clients. 


 Fire Up Your Message, Money & Meaning in the World with Lissa Rankin & Amy Ahlers (a $1,497 value)
You'll get access to this comprehensive business development program as a part of the Business Development pillar of the WHMI program. This 8-week webinar will help guide you in:
  • Bringing your vision and message online
  • ​Writing and publishing your book
  • Scaling your one-on-one practice beyond the limitations of the conventional “dollars for hours” model
  • ​Growing a blog and social media platform that can help you attract cash-based clients
  • ​Filling workshops and teleclasses
  • ​Positioning yourself as a paid public speaker
  • ​Transforming your one-on-one business into platinum offerings that will fulfill you on a deep level, while also bringing in some serious income
  • ​Changing your mindset so you can be open to receiving Divine abundance, without sabotaging or blocking your ability to charge what you’re worth
This program inluces expert interviews with Firestarters Danielle LaPorte & Linda Sivertsen, President of Hay House Reid Tracy, Tribal Author Jonathan Fields, Crazy Sexy Kris Carr, Author & Speaker Arielle Ford, Expert Speaker Lisa Nichols, EFT Guru Nick Ortner, Entrepreneur Extraordinaire Ryan Lee, Facebook Expert Rosh Khan, Master Coach Alexis Neely, and Financial Whiz Barbara Stanny.


A week long course with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud.
A Trauma-Inspired Approach to Self-Healing for Everyone no matter where you are on your journey. Choose to heal your trauma through inquiry, education and self-expression with 8 Steps.
  • What healing journey are you seeking?
  • ​What story are you ready to transform?
  • What form of self-expression is ready to be released?
  • What is the very next step on your healing journey?

Additional Features

  Ethics & Trauma Safety Course - mandatory for anyone without a professional license in medicine or psychology, optional for board-certified, licensed practitioners.

We want to ensure that our graduates have both mastery in their field and air tight ethics. This is why we have taken great care this year to add the mandatory Ethics & Trauma Safety course to our curriculum

  Private Whole Health Medicine Institute Facebook Group.

Network with other WHMI students and graduates on a private Facebook page.

  Peer-To-Peer Mentoring With Former WHMI Graduates

Join an optional small group mentoring circle with a WHMI graduate, who can help serve as your guide, liaison, and cheerleader.

​  WHMI Mastermind (Optional)

For those who choose to participate, you’ll be invited to join a small Zoom group of other WHMI students, who meet monthly to “mastermind” your visionary ideas, give each other support on projects you’re creating, share ideas, network, brainstorm, and uplift one another. During the mastermind group, each member will take turns being in the “center” of the circle. You’ll prepare what you wish to bring to the circle, and others will offer you feedback, wisdom, insight, ideas, or whatever else you might need. Then you’ll get to do the same for your peers. Mind Over Medicine was originally born in a small group mastermind that Lissa participated in, so you never know what will get created when brilliant, heart-centered, creative minds join forces.

​  WHMI Certification (Optional for license-qualified health care providers and therapists).

Some people participate in WHMI for personal healing and education only, and they do not intend to use it professionally. For this reason, we make the certification process optional, for a small additional fee. For those who wish to go through the official certification process, the process is simple and intended to help you succeed. We’ll instruct you about how this works as you dive into the program, and if you wish- and pass the mandatory requirements for certification, you’ll be added to the WHMI website of certified practitioners. Certification is optional and carries a one-time fee of $149.
“The mind-body-spirit link has been advocated by medical pioneers for decades. Yet, in spite of this, it has failed to shoulder its way into the mainstream medical community.”

—Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine

Who Is Eligible for WHMI?
Professional Health Care Providers
Whether you are an allopathic physician, a functional medicine doctor, an integrative health care specialist, a naturopath, homeopath, alternative, complementary medicine, or similar or are following a distinct and robust beckoning to serve in the field of healing, and this is your calling.
People Interested in Participating in Their Healing or the Healing of Loved Ones
To serve others on a fundamental level in healing, one first has to heal oneself. This program offers a direct experience that will facilitate a significant shift in your breakthrough healing.
Is This Course Right for Me?

At the Whole Health Medicine Institute, we are passionate about you, the well-being of your clients, your radical, vital, visionary life, and your professional success! This program is right for you if:

  • If you are a professional who feels severely limited in your practice by the current state of health care and you aspire to take your current or future work to the next level, this is for you.
  • If you crave a profound experience of self-healing, personal growth, and transformation this course is designed for you.
  • ​If your vision of health includes addressing mental, emotional and spiritual transformation, these are the skills you require.
  • ​If you need to grow a successful practice integrating Whole Body Medicine - we have the training you need.

What does the wisdom of your intuition tell you? Is the Whole Health Medicine Institute right for you, your body, your mind, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and your business? If you're a full-body yes to the program we look forward to you joining us this year!

Need help deciding if the Whole Health Medicine Institute it the right decision? Email us at

About WHMI Founder Lissa Rankin, MD

Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine, Sacred Medicine, and five other books, is a former OB/GYN physician, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute training program for doctors and therapists, a radical remission researcher, and founder of the health equity based trauma healing non-profit Heal At Last. After leaving her job in conventional medicine in 2007, Lissa began experimenting in her integrative medicine practice with what really helps resolve symptoms in people with chronic illness who have failed to improve with either conventional medicine or alternative medicine. All roads led to the same conclusion: People who are not responding to other treatments often have untreated, unhealed trauma from the past, as well as currently traumatizing lives- and treating that trauma can sometimes lead to seemingly miraculous radical remissions.
Upon realizing this epiphany, Lissa became a passionate ambassador for raising awareness about the importance of treating trauma as both preventive medicine and medical treatment for hard-to-treat mental and physical illnesses. As someone who was taking seven drugs for a variety of medical ailments by the time she was 33, and as someone who had managed to get off all of them after leaving the hospital, she began to question everything she had been so certain of after studying in the ivory towers of her medical training at Duke University, the University of South Florida, and Northwestern University. No matter what path she explored regarding the next health fad du jour, all roads continued to take her to the same disruptive and unconventional conclusion: When other treatments fail to help, and conventional health interventions like diet, exercise, and quitting bad habits don’t alleviate symptoms, assume the patient needs trauma treatment.
Because old school psychoanalysis (talk therapy) does not effectively treat trauma, and because medication, surgeries, and even most alternative medicine or spiritual healing techniques, such as acupuncture, meditation, or energy healing, only treat the symptoms of trauma, Lissa became a devoted student of many forms of trauma therapy, including Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.’s Internal Family Systems (IFS), Asha Clinton’s Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT,) Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing, Laurence Heller’s NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), and Terry Real’s Relational Life Therapy, among others. For five years, she has been co-teaching, first with IFS founder Dick Schwartz, PhD and lately, with IFS lead trainer Frank Anderson, MD about IFS as adjuvant medical treatment for chronic and terminal illnesses.
For over a decade now, Lissa has been a staunch and vocal public advocate for the importance of looking beyond only drugs, surgeries, or even food, exercise, meditation, alternative health, and good health habits when it comes to treating recalcitrant physical and mental illnesses. She took the internet by storm with her 2011 TEDx talk "The Shocking Truth About Your Health” and her 2012 TEDx talk "Is There Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself?" which, altogether, got 6 million views. She debuted these ideas in 2013 with Mind Over Medicine, which was made into a successful PBS special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine. Her next book, The Fear Cure, was also made into a PBS special.
Because Lissa had closed her integrative medical practice in 2010 to focus on her role in educating the public about the ways in which doctors don't typically support optimal patient wellbeing, demand among patients was rising for doctors who share Lissa's medical point of view and style of practice. To train medical doctors and therapists about what she had learned, Lissa founded the Whole Health Medicine Institute in 2013, as a hybrid in-person/ online learning program that includes a team of luminary faculty physicians, therapists, and scientists and involves a healing journey for the students themselves, because so many health care providers are wounded healers, in need of healing themselves.
In 2014, Lissa became interested in addressing the trauma of loneliness as a public health issue in collaboration with Kitchen Table Wisdom author and The Healer's Art founder Rachel Naomi Remen, MD. This public health concern, in addition to Lissa's social justice concerns that effective trauma healing tends to elude the oppressed and marginalized who need it most, led Lissa to spearhead her latest health equity-focused project, Heal At Last, a non-profit organization modeled after 12 Step programs, which aims to eliminate the public health epidemic of loneliness while bringing effective trauma healing methods and other "Sacred Medicines" out of their current status as luxury goods mostly for privileged elites, offering these trauma treatments to anyone who needs them, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or gender identity. Heal At Last, is currently in its pilot start-up phase. 
During the pandemic, Lissa played a public role in debunking "Conspirituality," the Covid denialism, anti-vaccination propaganda, and conspiracy theories promoted by many wellness, yoga, mind-body medicine, alternative medicine, and spirituality influencers who got "red-pilled" during 2020. This shakeout anchored her platform as a physician influencer to trust who is grounded in science, open to the mystical, spiritually aware, and trauma-informed. 

In addition to her public health advocacy and health care reform activism, Lissa sometimes leads workshops, both online, at retreat centers like Esalen, 1440, Omega, and Kripalu, and overseas. She is currently writing her eighth book with her partner Jeffrey Rediger about the health implications of narcissistic abuse and oppressive relationships and systems on the physical body- and the potential for radical remission when we stand up for ourselves and set boundaries with oppressors.

Enrolling in Whole Health Medicine Institute is by APPLICATION ONLY.

To be considered as a WHMI student: 

  • In order to qualify as a Whole Health Medicine Institute student, you must qualify for licensure in your field as a physician, health care provider or therapist. You may have retired or taken a leave of absence, so you do not have to be actively licensed or currently practicing. But you must be a health care provider or therapist in a field of health care that offers licensure. This list does not include all qualifying degrees, but for example, health care providers and therapists who qualify for licensure include MD’s, DO’s, ND’s, DC’s, DOM, DAOM, PA’s, CNM’s, NP’s, CNS, RD, MSW’s, MFT’s, and PhD’s in psychology. Life coaches and health coaches without other health care-related degrees are welcome to apply and participate in the program for personal growth and educational purposes, but they do not qualify for certification.
  • ​​While completing an application does not commit you to participating in this program, it does express your interest and allow us to better understand whether this is the right fit for you and us. Each application will be carefully reviewed and screened, not only so we can make sure you’re the right candidate for this program, but also so we can ensure that we meet your expectations, support your particular personal and professional needs, and help you find the transformational and educational program that fits your needs the best.
  • Don’t worry! This is not a medical school application! You can’t do this wrong. Trust that the interview process just helps us select the ideal students for this year’s class. Please trust the process, be gentle with any nervous or perfectionist parts that might get triggered by the application or interview process, and know that your answers to the interview questions will be kept in confidence.
  • For those who are an obvious best fit for matriculating for the WHMI Class of 2025, you’ll be notified and can secure your spot with a tuition payment. If there’s any question that you’re the right fit, of if you have questions or uncertainty about whether this is the right program for you, you will be scheduled for an interview with WHMI founder Lissa Rankin or, if Lissa is unavailable, someone else from our admissions team. ​If accepted into the program, we will guide you through payment options and next steps.


Upon Acceptance Tuition Is Due To Complete Registration

Program participation in the 2025 WHMI program is only USD $9,997.

You will be charged 6 monthly consecutive payments of USD $1,797 for a total of $10,782. You will be able to select the payment plan option at Step #2.

You will be notified within a week if your application is accepted and we will then email you a link to complete your registration.

The Three Pillars of Whole Health Medicine Institute Curriculum

Heal the Healer

We can help others heal and heal our health care system. But to be effective healers, we must heal ourselves first. The Healer aspect of WHMI is one of the most radically transformational aspects of the program. You will be asked to dive into your own psycho-spiritual healing journey because we can’t effectively heal others if we are operating from our own wounds.

Core Master Programs

The 2020 core curriculum will include Lissa’s updated teachings of the revised 6 Steps To Healing Yourself. In addition with over 40 experts in energy medicine, mind-body-spirit integration, research, practice, and business building in more than 31 recorded and live modules we offer everything we think well-trained mind-body-spirit practitioners should know about what conventional medicine and psychology tend to leave out. 

Business Development

We want you to successfully integrate your insights and understanding into the professional world and as part of the program, we help you develop a visionary and successful business by helping you translate your new knowledge, awareness, and tools into a practical, grounded, thriving business that actually pays the bills and allows you to bring your unique contributions into a world in need of your gifts.

WHMI Alumni Refresher Course

You must be a Whole Health Medicine Institute (WHMI) graduate to proceed with this option.

  • Sometimes, because the program grows and changes every year, and because learning about whole health is a lifelong transformational and learning journey, our WHMI graduates want to redo the program as a refresher course, offering their wisdom and mentoring to new WHMI students as their service to the WHMI community, in exchange for reduced tuition.
  • Applications and interviews are waived for WHMI graduates since you’ve already been prescreened and we know you. All you have to do to secure your spot is enroll here, then we’ll give you instructions on what will be expected of you with new students. 
  • ​If you’re considering auditing the program as a refresher course, but you’re not sure whether you’re a full yes to taking on the responsibility of mentoring new students, you can enroll as an auditing graduate student. If you’re not sure, email and we’ll send you more specific details about your options.

Option 1: Mentoring Program with Full Access

For Previous WHMI Graduates Only

Being a Mentor for the 2025 WHMI program is only USD $997.

Option 2: Auditing Program with Full Access

For Previous WHMI Graduates Only

Auditing the 2025 WHMI program is only USD $4,997 

You will be charged 6 monthly consecutive payments of USD $897 for a total of $5,382. You will be able to select the payment plan option at Step #2.

“The mind-body-spirit link has been advocated by medical pioneers for decades. Yet, in spite of this, it has failed to shoulder its way into the mainstream medical community.”

—Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine

“The body isn’t the foundation of your health. The body is the physical manifestation of the sum of your life experiences.”

—Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine

Virtual Curriculum
Get $500 Off

$2,499 $1,999
Or 5 Payments
of $459.77
In-Person Immersion Curriculum

Or 5 Payments 
of $1,840
How do I contact customer service at Whole Health Medicine Institute?
Please contact us by sending an email to
Do you offer discounts?
The course and bonuses is offered as a whole and no discounts can be given for non-participation in certain parts of the course or previously purchased programs.
I’m looking to expand my education and potentially start a practice outside the insurance-based system. How should I decide what to do?
If you are looking to study a specific healing modality or body-oriented practice then there are many highly recommended schools that provide this type of focused study into one particular model. In WHMI, the primary model we teach is Lissa Rankin, MD’s Six Steps To Healing Yourself through an Internal Family Systems lens. But you will also be introduced to a variety of other models so you are familiar with other healing models we endorse and recommend. 

 If you are seeking to understand and practice the psychological and spiritual healing and transformation that is the critical element across all practices – whether they are allopathic, integrative, or alternative – then WHMI is for you. WHMI training focuses very specifically on trauma healing, root cause recovery work, and personal transformation.
How much of a time commitment will this be? Will this interfere with my full-time job, the attention I give my children and my partner, or my self-care?
Whether you are a busy professional, in transition, ready to restart, the program is designed to adjust to your professional needs and availability. You are able to choose all modules or just the areas you want to focus on. Here some examples of different intentions.

For Self-healing:
Estimated number of hours invested: 65 hours (2 hours per week over 10 months)

For a career-boost:
Estimated number of hours invested: 105 hours (3 hours per week over 10 months)

As a fast-track to revenue:
Estimated number of hours invested: 145 hours (4 hours per week over 10 months)
What inspires people to sign up for this program?
People enroll in WHMI for different reasons, including:
  • Seeking support in career alternatives beyond conventional medical or therapy practice;
  • Feeling disillusioned and longing for more passion, purpose, and profit;
  • Wanting to stay on the cutting edge of how best to help patients and clients heal in a Whole Health-informed way.
  • ​Health care activism, social justice advocacy and care for health equity
  • Craving a like-minded networking community of practice, purpose, and belonging.
  • ​Wanting to use the tools personally because of being sick, on disability, or seeking healing from a chronic illness or a health crisis
  • ​Longing for more creative ways to express health care ideas, such as writing books, leading online courses, teaching workshops, or giving TED talks or keynotes